For references, see B. W. Silverman, Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis, Chapman and Hall, 1986. To estimate the density function of a set of data, use



X = a REAL*8 array dimensiond X(N) containing the data
H = the window width
IH = 1 if automatic computation of H is desired, 0 otherwise
ABSC = a REAL*8 array dimensioned ABSC(NVAL) which will contain the NVAL abscissa values at which the density will be evaluated
ORD = a REAL*8 array dimensioned ORD(NVAL) in which the density ordinates will be placed
N = the number of data points
NVAL = the number of required abscissa values
KERNEL = 1 if Gaussian kernel is desired
KERNEL = 2 if Epanechnikov kernel is desired
KERNEL = 3 if Bisquare kernel is desired
KERNEL = 4 if absolute value kernel is desired
KERNEL = 5 if all of the above are desired
EPS = an input quantity such that abscissas will range from min(X)-H-EPS to max(X)+H+EPS
FINT = the (approximate) integral of the plotted density, calculated as the interval between plotted abscissa points times the sum of the ordinates
WK = a REAL*8 work array dimensioned WK(N)

The call to DENS4 produces as output, as do several other programs in GQOPT, a MATHEMATICA program that can be run after the user invokes MATHEMATICA. (See Section 18.2 for how to obtain MATHEMATICA.) This program is placed in the file DENS.PR. This file is written to UNIT 12 with open statement is


and should not be used for other purposes. The user should then start MATHEMATICA, to which MATHEMATICA would normally respond by typing on the screen the prompt


The user should now direct MATHEMATICA to take its input from the file DENS.PR, which is accomplished by replying to the prompt as follows:



For references, see Haerdle, Wolfgang, Applied Nonparametric Analysis, Cambridge University press, 1990; Chu,C.-K. and J. S. Marron, "Choosing a Kernel Regression Estimator," Statistical Science, 6 (1991), 403-436, Hart, J. D. and T. E. Wehrly, "Kernel Regression When the Boundary Area Is Large, with an Application to Testing the Adequacy of Polynomial Models," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87 (1992), 1018-1024. Kernel regression provides the appropriate regression function for data generated by


where x is the regressor, y the dependent variable, and u an error term. The call to KERREG is



X = (input) one dimensional array of length n, where n is the number of observations, on the independent variable (REAL*8)
Y = (input) a one-dimensional array of length n on the dependent variable (REAL*8)
U = an array dimensioned n x 3, which is a work array (REAL*8)
S = a one-dimensional work array dimensioned as follows: DIMENSION S(0:m), where m is the number of points at which the regression function is displayed (REAL*8)
KER = (input) the kernel used;
KER = 1 for Gaussian,
KER = 2 for bi-square,
KER = 3 for tri-cube, and
KER = 4 for Epanechnikov; i.e.,

                     K(x)=(1./(2pi)1/2)e-x2/2 for KER=1
                     K(x)=(1-x2)2 for KER=2
                     K(x)=(1-x3)3 for KER=3
                     K(x)=(1-x2) for KER=4 when |x|<1 and =0 otherwise
H = (input) window width (REAL*8)
IGM = (input) = 1 Gasser-Mueller treatment,
IGM = 0 no Gasser Mueller (only if ker = 1 or 2 or 3)
IGH = (input) = 1 Hart-Wehrly treatment (relevant only if IGM =1),
IGH = 0 no Hart-Wehrly
CONF= (input) confidence level required (i.e., 0.95) (REAL*8)
IER = (output) error return;= 0 normal return, = -3 input error 

The call to KERREG produces as output, as do several other programs in GQOPT, a MATHEMATICA program that can be run after the user invokes MATHEMATICA. (See Section 18.2 for how to obtain MATHEMATICA.) This program is placed in the file KERREG.PR. This file is written to UNIT 12 with an open statement


and should not be used for other purposes. The user should then start MATHEMATICA, to which MATHEMATICA would normally respond by typing on the screen the prompt


The user should now direct MATHEMATICA to take its input from the file KERREG.PR, which is accomplished by replying to the prompt as follows:


Five diagrams will be displayed: the first is the scatter diagram, the second is the fitted regression, the third one is the upper confidence contour, the fourth one is the lower confidence contour, and the fifth is the superposition of diagrams 2, 3, and 4. One may proceed from one diagram to the next by pressing ESC.

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